Doctor Glas
Buy tickets"There are a thousand swift Russian men", yet Dr. Glas feels compelled to take the pastor's life himself, in this brilliant adaptation where morality takes a backseat to love.
One day, Mrs. Gregorius comes to Dr. Glas's office. She hesitates in the doorway before announcing that her visit is not urgent and that the doctor surely has more pressing patients. Dr. Glas is enchanted by her beauty, and when he learns the true reason for her visit, he becomes enraged. As Hjalmar Söderberg's canonized novel of the same name tells, he abandons his long-held principle of not taking another person's life, and is haunted both by his attraction to Mrs. Gregorius and by what he intends to do for her freedom. Mai Zetterling's black-and-white adaptation is a cinematic gem that does more than justice to the novel.
- Hannah Klasson